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Search Results for "RPSI No.4 passes Knockmore for May Tour in Ireland 2009"
RPSI No.4 passes Knockmore for May Tour in Ireland 2009
RPSI 4 at Knockmore
No 4 at Whitehead
RPSI no.4 movin off
RPSI No.4 returns from May tour 2008
141+171 at Heuston with 146
Dún Laoghaire-RPSI Cravens depart on a railtour to Dublin Connolly
RPSI No.4 leaving claremorris with cravens
080 + 461 + Cravens leaving Connolly station for Inchicore.
RPSI Steam 461 - Spare Link Railtour
171+141 at Waterford, 08/05/09
RPSI No. 461 + Craven Coaches - Humpback Bridge, Dublin